Food Ministry
Gratuitamente compartimos con usted productos alimenticios, como una bendición que viene de parte de Dios y se la damos en el nombre de Jesucristo. Porque esa es nuestra misión, cumplir con el mandato de él. Sólo pedimos que ore por nosotros para tener recursos para seguir trayendo bendición a esta comunidad.
Los cristianos somos llamados por Jesús a amar a los pobres y al cuidado de los niños necesitados. Jesús les dice “Yo soy el pan de vida; el que a mi viene, nuca tendrá hambre; y el que en mi cree, no tendrá sed jamás” (Juan. 6:35).
Esto implica dejar de vivir en pecado permanente, reconocer nuestras faltas, arrepentirse y aceptar a Jesucristo como el Señor y Salvador de nuestras vidas. Esta es la obra que Dios quiere que hagamos, que demos vida plena de Dios. Él es el pan que Dios ofrece a todos. Es la Satisfacción material y espiritual. Es la plenitud de la vida.
Each Saturday between 7 and 11 in the morning we dispense a box of food to approximately 300 families. This box contains meats, breads, grains, vegetables and something sweet. We also distribute to about 21 other food ministries from churches and agencies who share the same vision of meeting the hunger needs of families. On average, we are distributing some 50 thousand pounds of food every week.
When Saturday comes, we know that we will be serving little over 300 breakfasts to children who are in what is called Extreme Poverty. They are children who many times will only have one meal a day- if lucky. That day, we also distribute a box of basic food needs to the parents of those children. The site is located in Ave. Tamaulipas and 48th Street.
Benevolence in Action is a ministry that receives from us some 6,000 pounds of food. Every Friday we will be loading up truck loads with various food items. They then use this food to distribute to other twelve ministries that are scattered throughout the Yuma County.
Every year from November to March we park in the corner of Urtuzuastegui Street and 1st Avenue, where we serve breakfast from 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning to the men and women who go to the fields and pick the crop of the season. Our Mobil-kitchen’s hot meals is also creating many smiles in the life of the homeless.